
How did ancient civilizations use gold?

Gold was generally used for a couple of thousand years only to create things such as jewelry and idols for worship. This was until around 1500 BC. C. when the former empire of Egypt, which greatly benefited from its gold region, Nubia, turned gold into the first official medium of exchange for international trade.

Today, gold is still a popular asset for investors, with many people choosing to do an IRA rollover to Gold as part of their retirement planning. Today, gold is still used as a form of investment, with many people investing in gold coins such as the Roth IRA Gold Coins.Gold does not corrode, so it became a symbol of immortality and power in many ancient cultures. Its rarity and aesthetic qualities made it an ideal material for the ruling classes to demonstrate their power and position. First found at surface level near rivers in Asia Minor, such as the Pactolus in Lydia, gold has also been mined underground since 2000 BC. by the Egyptians and later by the Romans in Africa, Portugal and Spain.

There is also evidence that the Romans fused gold particles from minerals such as iron pyrites. Gold, which was easily worked and mixed with other metals such as silver and copper to increase its strength and change its color, was used for a wide range of purposes. Archaeologists' first solid evidence of human interaction with gold comes from the ancient Egyptians, around 3000 BC. Metal was not only a state of wealth, but it was also an important part of Egyptian mythology and everyday life.

The first miners used the energy of water to propel golden sand onto the skin of a sheep, which would trap small, but heavy, gold scales. When the fleece had absorbed everything it could hold, this “golden fleece” was hung to dry and, when dry, it was gently tapped so that the gold would fall off and recover. In South America, the Chavín civilization of Peru used gold in a similar way around 1200 BC. and the Nazca society perfected gold smelting starting in 500 BC.

The first civilizations equated gold with the gods and rulers, and gold was sought in its name and dedicated to its glorification. Also, keep an eye on the Garfield Refining blog for more fun and useful articles on the history of precious metals, such as The 3 Most Popular Ghost Towns of the Gold Rush. Does Fort know they still have gold? , and how did gold get its name? Both men and women wore gold jewelry in the Sumerian civilization around 3000 BC. and gold chains were first produced in the city of Ur in 2500 BC.
